Ground Engineering
Ground Engineering
Market Sectors
Asset Integrity Maintenance
Asset Integrity Maintenance
Market Sectors

Project Overview
Sino Iron is located at Cape Preston, about 100km south west of Karratha in Western Australia’s resource-rich Pilbara region, where a high grade, premium iron ore concentrate is produced for export. This is Australia’s largest magnetite mining and processing operation.
Emergency works were required to be completed to rectify
earlier construction works to stabilise the walls of the crusher
pockets prior to the placement of the new crushers during the mine development phase.
Geovert Solution
Work completed involved the survey and set out on the retaining
walls, the concrete coring, drilling, cable bolt installation,
grouting, tensioning, testing & post grouting of cable bolts.
The works were completed drilling from below & above the pocket
walls using a radio controlled mast mounted on an excavator,
also with roped access wagon drills and MEWP's were used for
installation and testing.