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Toowoomba Second Range Crossing is a 41 km grade separated, dual carriageway bypass and partial ring road constructed to the north and west of Toowoomba, Queensland

Project Overview


The $1.6billion Toowoomba Second Range Crossing is a 41km heavy vehicle route jointly funded by the Australian and Queensland Governments. The route was designed to increase freight efficiency and significantly improve driver safety and community amenity by removing heavy vehicles from Toowoomba’s CBD. The project created a safer, faster and more efficient route for connecting freight to major ports and markets. Geovert were appointed by Nexus Delivery to complete Geotechnical support to the new highway in the East Section.


Geovert Solution


This Scope of Works for the provision of new cut batter protection included:

​​Slope Protection in the form of erosion control matting requiring with over 20,000 linear metres of GRP ground anchors and 84,000m2 of GREENAX matting.

​Slope Stabilisation incorporating 2,000m of double corrosion protection (DCP) ground anchors 2,000m3 of shotcrete, 1,500m of sub horizontal drainage.

​Ancillary Support including berm reinstatement, dentition and crack sealing.

These works were completed using a combination of tracked production anchoring and mini piling drills, rotary and percussive drill masts mounted on excavators and rope access techniques where drive on access was restricted due to earth work constraints.

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About Us

Australia Headquarters


Block B, Level 1, 

Suite 8 / 247 King St,

Mascot, NSW 2020, 



+61 (2) 9700 7975

New Zealand Headquarters


15 Kaimahi Rd
Wairau Valley
North Shore 0627



+64 9 837 7808

United States Headquarters


1919 W Elk Pl
Denver, CO 80211
United States



+1 720 452 1191

Singapore Headquarters


80 Robinson Road, #02-00
Singapore 068898




+65 9640 2997

Asset Integrity Maintenance 



Blasting and Painting

Bridge Maintenance

Certified Fall Arrest Anchor Systems

Concrete Condition Inspections

Concrete Repair and Crack Injections

Condition Surveys

Confined Space

Corrosion Management

Fabrication and Welding

Industrial Cleaning and Water Blasting

Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)

Plant Shutdowns

Protective Coatings and Waterproofing

Refractory Maintenance

Rope Access

Rigging and Heavy Lifting

Seismic and Structural Strengthening

Temporary Access Platforms

Avalanche Protection



Avalanche barriers and fences

Avalanche towers

Remote avalanche control systems

Snow avalanche protection systems

Snow netting

Basements & Foundations



Capping Beams

Ground Anchors

Limited Access Drilling

Micro Piling

Mini Piling

Rock Bolting

Seismic Retrofit

Self Drilled Hollow Bar


Soil Nails

Temporary Ground Anchors

Timber Pole Walls

Geohazard Mitigation



Active Mesh Stabilisation

Debris Flow Barriers

Design and Build


Drill and Blast

Erosion Control

Geotechnical Inspection & Instrumentation

Rockfall Assessments and Investigation

Rockfall Attenuators

Rockfall Barriers

Rockfall Mesh Drapes

Rockfall Modelling

Scaling and Block Removal

Shallow Landslide Barriers

Ground Anchors



Ground Anchor Inspection

Ground Anchor Lift Off Test

Permanent Multistrand Ground Anchors

Platipus Anchors

Post Grouted Ground Anchors

Pregrouted Ground Anchors DCP

Removable Ground Anchors

Restressable Ground Anchors

Self Drilled Hollow Bar Anchors

Temporary Multistrand Ground Anchors

Ground Support



Active Mesh Stabilisation

Bulk Infil Grouting

Cable Bolts

Drill and Blast

Geotechnical Inspection & Instrumentation

Rockfall Assessments and Investigation

Highwall Stabilisation

Longwall Stabilisation

Portal Protection

Rock Bolting

Rockfall Barriers

Rockfall Mesh Drapes

Rockfall Modelling

Scaling and Block Removal

Retaining Structures



Active Mesh Stabilisation

Design and Build

Drill and Blast

Geotechnical Inspection & Instrumentation

Rock Bolting

Rock Bolting

Rockfall Attenuators

Rockfall Barriers

Rockfall Mesh Drapes

Rockfall Modelling

Scaling and Block Removal

Rockfall Protection



Active Mesh Stabilisation

Design and Build

Drill and Blast

Geotechnical Inspection & Instrumentation

Rock Bolting

Rock Bolting

Rockfall Attenuators

Rockfall Barriers

Rockfall Mesh Drapes

Rockfall Modelling

Scaling and Block Removal

Rope Access



Emergency Response

Geotechnical Instrumentation

Supervised Inspections

Slope Stabilisation



Active Mesh Stabilisation


Erosion Control

Ground Support

Retaining Walls

Rock Bolting

Scaling and Block Removal


Soil Nails




Canopy Tubes

Ground Anchors

Injection Grouting

Portal Protection

Rock Bolting


© 2020 Geovert | Website Designed by Andrew Bui

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